MA251-B Spring 2007 Final Exam Study Guide

This document is intended to offer some guidelines to help you prepare for the final exam in MA251.

It is not intended to be either a slightly modified version of the exam or an exclusive list of topics the exam will cover.

As noted in class, the exam will be cumulative but will not include any in-depth questions on the material in chapter 4. It is reasonable to expect that you will remember one or two major points from yesterdays lecture such as the fact that homeomorphism is another name for an invertible linear transformation.

Algebraic Rules

Generally any material on the algebraic rules for multiplication of any combination of scalars, vectors, and matrices should be second nature by now.

This includes:

Systems of Equations

You should be able to:

Linear Transformations

You should:


You should:


You should:

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

You should:

Chapter 4: Linear Spaces

You should know that an invertible linear transformation is called a homeomorphism.


Summary 7.1.5 contains in one way or another most of the important information from the chapters we covered (up to but not including chapter 4).
If you understand the terminology and basic facts associated with each statement in Summary 7.1.5 you will have a good grasp of the most important material from this course.
In addition, you should be familiar with the six proofs posted in the notes and handouts section of the web page.